Saturday, December 31, 2016

Ecuador- my pictorial history V: Baños

Before we begin, a photo taken from our main window...

One of our favorite towns to visit, Baños, or Baños de Agua Santa, is a fantastic little town nestled in a valley below one enormous volcano looming overhead.  The volcano, Tungurahua, is one of the most active volcanos in South America.  I love to visit Baños, but I would not live there.

view of the pools at Luna Runtun, a spa/resort on the slopes of volcán Tungurahua, overlooking Baños

Luna Runtun pool; we stayed here once

the pool overlooks the valley
Volcán Tungurahua
We were in Baños for nearly a week before we got to actually see Tungurahua; most of the time it is enveloped in clouds.

outside of Baños, a hike to Pailon del Diablo (Devil's Cauldron)
                                       A short clip of Devil's Cauldron falls....

part of the hike requires crossing this bridge

Not just in Baños, but most anywhere in the Andes Mts. you can see this cloud effect, where the clouds look like flames

The clouds are very busy; they are always in motion.  This entire scene changed in minutes.

Zip-lining or canopying is a popular activity in Baños.

Chimborazo, an inactive volcano; we passed by on the way to & from Baños

If you hike to the summit of Chimborazo, you are standing on the highest point on earth.  It is not as tall as Everest, but its position near the equator makes it the highest point.

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