Sunday, January 1, 2017

Ecuador- my pictorial history IX: Puerto Lopez (the coast) & Isla de la Plata

Puerto Lopez is a tiny little village along the Ecuadorian coast; when the sun comes up the beach is transformed into a huge fish market, as the fishing boats are returning from their early-morning catch.  
This town is also the jumping-off point for whale-watching tours and trips to Isla de la Plata, also known as 'the poor man's Galapagos.'  Isla de la Plata is home to blue-footed boobies, frigates, albatrosses, and the surrounding waters home to manta rays, sea turtles, and migratory humpback whales.  The snorkeling off the island is spectacular; I saw several types of eel, including a very toothy moray eel, beautiful starfish, puffer fish, and too many other brightly colored and amazing tropical fish to name them all.  

Blue-footed boogie protecting its egg
blue-footed boogie w/its young

male & female boobies

frigate, trying to attract a mate

going down

saw lots of tails splashing around

this is about the most of any whale that I saw; none breached that d

Okay, so I didn't take this picture, but I thought it looked pretty cool so I added it anyway.
Spectacular sunsets on the beach


melting sun

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