Sunday, January 1, 2017

Ecuador- my pictorial history XI: bike rides!

This is by far the largest compilation of photos yet… probably because I never get tired of the scenery here.  I do not think one sun-soaked mountain looks like the next… they are all unique with their distinct valleys, ridges, and even the same mountain can take on a completely different aspect depending on the clouds and shadows playing on its hillsides.  Between my mountain bike and my road bike I’ve covered about every square half-mile of the region.  The mountain bike really lets me explore these Andes Mts., as there are dirt roads everywhere leading into the countryside; unfortunately, the most fantastic views are usually preceded by the most demanding rides.  To get on top of a mountain or mountain ridge, there’s going to be some climbing to get up there, and it’s never a little.  

The road bike allows me to put some distance between Cuenca and neighboring towns and even provinces, all of which have their own mountain ranges that once you climb to the top, afford seemingly unending fabulous views of the land.  Enjoy!

I'm at approx. 13,000ft; no trees, just tall grass and some scrub-brush

This is my bike.  There are many like it, but this one is mine.  It is my life.  I must master it as I must master my life.  Without me my bike is useless.  Without my bike, I am useless....

One of my first rides with Scott, Dave, and Daniel (making picture)

looking towards Girón

This is one of the coolest arches I've ever seen; they are near the entrance to SigSig; I think every town should have a set of arches this extravagant.

I've participated in one bike race since I've been here, a 'Gran Fondo' which basically means a big race, of 93 miles, from Guayaquil to Salinas, all on the coast.  Mostly flat, with some rolling hills.  Pictured are (R-L) Paul, Scott, Daniel, & me (Dave is making picture).
the group being led out of town

still riding in mass out of town

about 70 miles into the race
this is along one of my favorite rides... I call this one my 'money shot'

Sunday group ride in Cuenca, with (R-L) me, Dave, Paul, Daniel, Bob, and Scott (making picture)

Sunday group ride with the BiciCuenca group, a large group of riders who ride for mostly social reasons on Sunday mornings and Tuesday nights

after a rainy, muddy Tuesday night ride 

Sunday group ride w/Bob, Scott, Dave, & Dan... for a while we were riding on rose petals before catching up to a parade, where girls in front were dropping rose petals on the ground

I have wiped out many times on this particular ride.

view from top of Trés Cruces, highest point in the Cajas, approx. 13,500ft.  I actually climbed the steps from the road with my bike, just because.

heavy rains = landslides!

This is a real house... great view!  

Moments after I arrived, clouds rolled in... at Laguna Busa, a popular park & pond area with the locals
same view as above, minus the clouds (different day)

clouds hugging the ground

The reason I shot this video is that it shows sunlight, ribbons of fast-moving clouds along the ground, and blue sky next to storm clouds, with additional clouds settling over the mountainside...

w/a local amateur mountain bike group, KDA7

on a Tues. night bike ride w/the BiciCuenca group

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