Saturday, April 15, 2017

Truck Driving School, closing out week 3

End of Week 3
G-Town and Hans Solo Cup, thanks again for your support earlier in the week; it helped calm me down quite a bit. With regard to the backing maneuvers, I spent the week visualizing what the trailer is going to do when I turn the wheel, as well as studying the pre-trip inspection. By Friday morning my confidence was back, and I'm happy... no, elated, to report that I nailed the two off-set backing maneuvers, right-to-left and left-to-right, right off the bat. The remaining 3 1/2 hours I spent practicing my 90-degree backing, which I got before my session had expired. This morning (Saturday) I was back out on the range, started with the off-sets as a warm-up, then continued practicing the 90. My goal is to perform the 90-degree backing with 3 pull-ups... I did two with two pull-ups, two with three, and the others using four or more. Our range is large enough that we have two sets of cones we are practicing with, so two trucks can perform backing maneuvers simultaneously,
without running into each other.  The DOT examiner tests on only one set of cones, the
set I haven't been using. I almost separated my shoulder patting myself on the back at the end of this morning's session, when, after engaging the other set of cones for my first time, the set the DOT examiner tests on, I did my 90 with only two pull-ups. I feel I'm in a really good place now; I have four four-hour sessions scheduled next week, Tue-Wed-Thur-Fri... Tuesday & Wednesday it looks like I'll be going out on the road for the first time, then Thursday & Friday it's back on the range. Saturday one student is scheduled to come in for a make-up class, so I asked the instructor if it would be alright if I showed up and drove on the range, since the school was going to be open anyway. He said 'sure, no problem.' I don't know that I'll necessarily need the extra practice, but it certainly can't hurt. 
Prior to tonight, I hadn't added any entries into this diary, as there really wasn't anything to
report.  I spent the week studying for the pre-trip inspection, as well as watching others
practice backing on the driving range as well as visualizing the backing maneuvers. My classroom time had ended, and when we're not scheduled to be driving, our time is left to us to do with as we please. For me it's rather simple: I'm here for one purpose and one purpose only... to get my CDL. So when I'm not driving I'm studying my pre-trip, either by myself or partnering up with a buddy, and/or observing others on the range, watching and learning from their backing maneuvers. I'd say it's worked out pretty well; I'm confident in my ability to back that rig up, and could pass the pre-trip tomorrow, if need be. And I still have at least eight hours remaining to continue honing my backing skills, as well as a week + a weekend to continue reviewing the pre-trip.
We have four tractor trailer combinations available from which to choose when we drive; I think I surprised the instructors yesterday when I asked for the 53' trailer, as my previous experience (Monday) hadn't gone so well. "Trial by fire," one of them said. I figured if I was going to learn how to back that thing up, I might as well learn it on the longest tractor trailer we have. If I can figure it out on that one, then the others won't be a big deal, and the 53' is the standard size anyway. This morning I got to the school 30 mins early to make sure I could get back into the tractor pulling the 53' trailer. The other combinations in our training fleet are a belly-dump trailer, which I'm not sure of the length, but it is much shorter, and two 48' trailers.

Tomorrow is Easter and I am over 3800 miles from home and without a car... my big plans for the day are to go for a long walk, end up at a coffee shop where I can enjoy a nice cappuccino while reviewing my pre-trip inspection notes, and laundry. My wife reminded me that beginning Monday I'll be able to score some nicely-discounted Easter candy. Cadbury Eggs for 25¢!! Yes, I am that guy who scours the pharmacies and the Wal*Marts looking for the 75% discounts on holiday candy after they've passed!

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