Friday, April 21, 2017

Truck Driving School, Friday, Week 4 (time to listen)

Friday/Week 4
Today I went onto the range brimming with confidence in my backing abilities, and was then served a nice healthy portion of Humble Pie. An instructor got into the cab with me to observe my backing, and sat while I did a nice right-to-left off-set backing; I got backed in with only one pull-up, which I thought was good, but then I somehow screwed up pulling straight out of the lane and straight ahead to get set for my left-to-right backing. When I got to the forward-most boundary, the truck was at a ridiculous angle, not at all conducive to the next maneuver. So the instructor told me to drive around the range again so he could show me how to do the right-to-left. I was confused, because I thought I'd done that pretty well, but followed his instructions and got set up again. On the 2nd go 'round, he gave me instructions and I followed, but ended up having to take 5 or 6 pull-ups to get 'er in. After next doing the left-to-right off-set, which went well, it was time for the 90ยบ backing. I got it in well enough, taking three, maybe four pull-ups, but the instructor didn't like my starting position and tried to coach me on where I should have started the maneuver. Well, because I figured that I'd already figured this out, I didn't listen and kept doing it my way after he left. And I proceeded to screw it up time after time after time. I didn't know what had happened, that suddenly it wasn't working for me... I kept running out of room at the forward boundary, not leaving me any space at all for a pull-up, and actually turning the tractor over the boundary while trying to 'chase the trailer.' After the umpteenth time of not getting it, I went to the instructor to ask him about the starting position he tried to coach me on earlier.
I suppose he had been watching from a distance, because he was ready for me when I came to him. I listened to his instruction, backed it in easily on my first try doing it his way, then a second time, then I screwed it up on my own, prompting another visit and another lesson, and then... EUREKA!! And pretty much every time after that, I got it. Consistently. Before he helped me, I had been having success with the 90, but admit it wasn't comfortable, as I always seemed to get the tractor trailer in an awkward jackknife or extreme angle, but somehow always seemed to pull it out and get it in without any real problems, but I think that must have been beginner's luck, repeatedly. Now I'm getting it backed in, once all the way in with 0 pull-ups, while leaving me with plenty of room at the forward boundary with which to work, while also not swinging the tractor over or even near that boundary. Late in the afternoon as the instructor was walking past, I rolled down the window and told him if he was a woman I'd kiss him, and he just grinned and kept on walking. 
So, let this be a lesson to all you newbies!! When the instructor tries to tell you something, listen! Don't be like me and think, "I got it." If you "got it," the instructor wouldn't be there trying to help you "get it." Especially in the rain. Got it?

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