Saturday, April 22, 2017

Truck Driving School, Saturday, Week 4 (practicing my over-the-road eating habits)

Saturday/Week 4
I wasn't going to post an entry today, but what the heck. I scored some *bonus* time on the range today, as I hadn't been scheduled but took advantage of an instructor who had to be there anyway to conduct classroom time for several others. I continued to practice my 90ยบ backing and off-sets backing, while also driving the circumference of the range practicing my shifting. I am on the schedule for tomorrow night, from 6-10pm, to knock out my night driving requirement. After that it's four hours on the range Tuesday, four hours on the road Wednesday, four more hours on the range Thursday, and then... the CDL test with the DOT examiner Thursday afternoon, at 1pm. I'm not worried about the pre-trip or the backing, but the road portion of the test makes me nervous. Hopefully after eight more hours of road driving with my instructors I'll feel more confident about it. 
I walked to the Wal*Marts after practicing on the range today for more lunch & dinner food; I've been experimenting with my meals since I've been here and it's worked out great. My hotel room included a refrigerator and microwave; after the first day of class I began using them. Since March 28, with one exception, I've avoided fast food and eating out by shopping at Wal*Mart for my breakfast, lunch, and dinner. The meals haven't been real exciting, but I'm not tired of them either. The breakfast and lunch food is what I've been eating all my life anyway: coffee, wheat bread and bananas for breakfast, apple, yogurt, and turkey & cheese sandwich for lunch, and dinner has been one of two options: most frequently, a salad of spinach leaves (sometimes romaine & kelp) with carrots, broccoli, and canned tuna or salmon, topped with chunky blue cheese dressing, smoked almonds, and raisins... and option two: potato nuked in the microwave and topped with salsa. I poke about a bazillion holes in the potato with a fork before nuking it. The raisins add a nice sweetness to my salad. As light as the meals sound, I haven't felt hunger pains throughout the day. 
This is how I intend to eat once I'm driving. Not only is it much healthier than eating out or getting fast food, but much cheaper as well. I do intend on getting a crock-pot also, so that will vary my meals. It'll be nice to rotate in chicken or soup once in a while.

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